CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Crusader Royal » 13 Jan 2025 16:20

Snowflake Royal
Mid Sussex Royal
WestYorksRoyal People have been calling it for a long time that Couhig eventually buying the club is a very possible outcome.

I'd prefer the Smee bid, but beggars can't be choosers. I'd snap your hand off for Couhig to get it done.

Agree - Smee has local backers and is buying with the interests of football in Reading, Couhig is in it for a quick property flip.

But Smee is beholden to those backers, and Couhig has recent success in football ownership.

Couhig equally has backers to work with. That’s how these things happen.
Smee has also apparantly got previous (and much wider) footballing experience .

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 13 Jan 2025 16:22

Crusader Royal
Snowflake Royal
Mid Sussex Royal
Agree - Smee has local backers and is buying with the interests of football in Reading, Couhig is in it for a quick property flip.

But Smee is beholden to those backers, and Couhig has recent success in football ownership.

Couhig equally has backers to work with. That’s how these things happen.
Smee has also apparantly got previous (and much wider) footballing experience .

I think Couhig is significantly wealthier. And isn't Smee's experience all 30 years in the past?

Either way, both would be vast improvements and at least people we could feel comfortable with from day 1, not unknown entities who could just be another Samuelson and Zingarevich or Dai Yongge.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Linden Jones' Tash » 13 Jan 2025 16:44

Snowflake Royal IF this is a sign Dai (or Chinese bank) has settled with Couhig, that suggests one of two things to me and I'll explain why in a minute.

1) We are actually reletively close on a deal with this Blue Horizon, Paul Taylor or mysterious other third party.

2) We are close to the Couhig deal being back on and completing.

This is on the basis that the lien and lawsuit is a bit of a blocker for completion of any deal, so needs to be removed as an obstacle before completion.

I would expect Dai to otherwise follow his uop of ignoring the problem and spinning it out, running up Couhig's legal costs out of spite in the hope he gives up and goes away.

The less appetising third option, is no one is willing to progress at all and consider exclusivity after the last round run out, until Couhig's issues are settled, but today's copium has me dismissing that out of hand.

Then there is the other less good alternative, this doesn't actually have anything to do with Couhig's lawsuit. But see above for copium ruling this out for me.

this post is confusing - it starts off saying that the Companies House update suggests 1 of 2 things is going on but then goes on to lists 3 or 4 possible outcomes. is it 1) or 2) or 3) or 4)?

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 13 Jan 2025 16:46

Linden Jones' Tash
Snowflake Royal IF this is a sign Dai (or Chinese bank) has settled with Couhig, that suggests one of two things to me and I'll explain why in a minute.

1) We are actually reletively close on a deal with this Blue Horizon, Paul Taylor or mysterious other third party.

2) We are close to the Couhig deal being back on and completing.

This is on the basis that the lien and lawsuit is a bit of a blocker for completion of any deal, so needs to be removed as an obstacle before completion.

I would expect Dai to otherwise follow his uop of ignoring the problem and spinning it out, running up Couhig's legal costs out of spite in the hope he gives up and goes away.

The less appetising third option, is no one is willing to progress at all and consider exclusivity after the last round run out, until Couhig's issues are settled, but today's copium has me dismissing that out of hand.

Then there is the other less good alternative, this doesn't actually have anything to do with Couhig's lawsuit. But see above for copium ruling this out for me.

this post is confusing - it starts off saying that the Companies House update suggests 1 of 2 things is going on but then goes on to lists 3 or 4 possible outcomes. is it 1) or 2) or 3) or 4)?

Who knows? I certainly don't. It's pure speculation based on someone else's speculation. Hopefully it's one or two. Probably four.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Linden Jones' Tash » 13 Jan 2025 16:49

Snowflake Royal
Linden Jones' Tash
Snowflake Royal IF this is a sign Dai (or Chinese bank) has settled with Couhig, that suggests one of two things to me and I'll explain why in a minute.

1) We are actually reletively close on a deal with this Blue Horizon, Paul Taylor or mysterious other third party.

2) We are close to the Couhig deal being back on and completing.

This is on the basis that the lien and lawsuit is a bit of a blocker for completion of any deal, so needs to be removed as an obstacle before completion.

I would expect Dai to otherwise follow his uop of ignoring the problem and spinning it out, running up Couhig's legal costs out of spite in the hope he gives up and goes away.

The less appetising third option, is no one is willing to progress at all and consider exclusivity after the last round run out, until Couhig's issues are settled, but today's copium has me dismissing that out of hand.

Then there is the other less good alternative, this doesn't actually have anything to do with Couhig's lawsuit. But see above for copium ruling this out for me.

this post is confusing - it starts off saying that the Companies House update suggests 1 of 2 things is going on but then goes on to lists 3 or 4 possible outcomes. is it 1) or 2) or 3) or 4)?

Who knows? I certainly don't. It's pure speculation based on someone else's speculation. Hopefully it's one or two. Probably four.

understood - thanks for clarifying...

either way, its between the devil and the deep blue sea...

all I'm hoping for is the least worst option to happen relatively quickly

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Who Moved The Goalposts? » 13 Jan 2025 17:10

Or could it just be a (very) delayed documentation update relating to Couhig getting back the money he leant the club and therefore releasing his hold on Bearwood? I imagine that Redwood only had that in place in case Dai failed to repay the short-term loans they provided during their period of exclusivity.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 13 Jan 2025 19:38

Who Moved The Goalposts? Or could it just be a (very) delayed documentation update relating to Couhig getting back the money he leant the club and therefore releasing his hold on Bearwood? I imagine that Redwood only had that in place in case Dai failed to repay the short-term loans they provided during their period of exclusivity.

I'm sure there was a recent ish interview with Couhig where he'd had the loans repaid, but said he was keeping the liens in place because of the lawsuit and/or they couldn't be removed because Dai's own lawyers were suing him and they were required to remove them.

So it may be that Dai's settled with his lawyers rather than Couhig.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Who Moved The Goalposts? » 14 Jan 2025 10:08

Snowflake Royal
Who Moved The Goalposts? Or could it just be a (very) delayed documentation update relating to Couhig getting back the money he leant the club and therefore releasing his hold on Bearwood? I imagine that Redwood only had that in place in case Dai failed to repay the short-term loans they provided during their period of exclusivity.

I'm sure there was a recent ish interview with Couhig where he'd had the loans repaid, but said he was keeping the liens in place because of the lawsuit and/or they couldn't be removed because Dai's own lawyers were suing him and they were required to remove them.

So it may be that Dai's settled with his lawyers rather than Couhig.

Could well be. Nothing is out of bounds with this clown.
Let's hope for good news soon. Surely, with two significant blockers now out of the way, the grounds for a sale are in a better position than ever.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 14 Jan 2025 11:30

Who Moved The Goalposts?
Snowflake Royal
Who Moved The Goalposts? Or could it just be a (very) delayed documentation update relating to Couhig getting back the money he leant the club and therefore releasing his hold on Bearwood? I imagine that Redwood only had that in place in case Dai failed to repay the short-term loans they provided during their period of exclusivity.

I'm sure there was a recent ish interview with Couhig where he'd had the loans repaid, but said he was keeping the liens in place because of the lawsuit and/or they couldn't be removed because Dai's own lawyers were suing him and they were required to remove them.

So it may be that Dai's settled with his lawyers rather than Couhig.

Could well be. Nothing is out of bounds with this clown.
Let's hope for good news soon. Surely, with two significant blockers now out of the way, the grounds for a sale are in a better position than ever.

I think the main big dumb blocker remains. Sadly.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by SouthDownsRoyal » 17 Jan 2025 08:36

Who Moved The Goalposts?
Snowflake Royal
Who Moved The Goalposts? Or could it just be a (very) delayed documentation update relating to Couhig getting back the money he leant the club and therefore releasing his hold on Bearwood? I imagine that Redwood only had that in place in case Dai failed to repay the short-term loans they provided during their period of exclusivity.

I'm sure there was a recent ish interview with Couhig where he'd had the loans repaid, but said he was keeping the liens in place because of the lawsuit and/or they couldn't be removed because Dai's own lawyers were suing him and they were required to remove them.

So it may be that Dai's settled with his lawyers rather than Couhig.

Could well be. Nothing is out of bounds with this clown.
Let's hope for good news soon. Surely, with two significant blockers now out of the way, the grounds for a sale are in a better position than ever.

Dai is the problem

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Stranded » 17 Jan 2025 08:58

Its been a very, very quiet week.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by blythspartan » 17 Jan 2025 09:12

Stranded Its been a very, very quiet week.

Someone on x yesterday posted a screenshot of a search that was completed against RFC Bearwood. It looked like it might have been Couhig’s lawyers. It prompted the usual speculation, but as per usual no one really knows what’s happening.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by SouthDownsRoyal » 17 Jan 2025 09:31

Stranded Its been a very, very quiet 18 months.


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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by WestYorksRoyal » 17 Jan 2025 09:46

So much for it being a "huge" week. I don't know what Howe knows, but it's pretty obvious he puts out briefings to try and unofficially get messages out and push things along. It's all started up again since he returned.

I'm guessing what Dellor reported was about applying pressure more than anything else.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 17 Jan 2025 09:54

Stranded Its been a very, very quiet 18 months.


It's been very very far from a quiet 18 months ffs.

We've had points deductions, two staff barred from football, protests, marches,tennis balls, abandonments, manager change, two law suits, half a doze prospective new owners and about 7 player sales.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by SouthDownsRoyal » 17 Jan 2025 10:00

Snowflake Royal
Stranded Its been a very, very quiet 18 months.


It's been very very far from a quiet 18 months ffs.

We've had points deductions, two staff barred from football, protests, marches,tennis balls, abandonments, manager change, two law suits, half a doze prospective new owners and about 7 player sales.

Quiet in terms of genuine takeover news.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Snowflake Royal » 17 Jan 2025 10:20

Snowflake Royal

It's been very very far from a quiet 18 months ffs.

We've had points deductions, two staff barred from football, protests, marches,tennis balls, abandonments, manager change, two law suits, half a doze prospective new owners and about 7 player sales.

Quiet in terms of genuine takeover news.

How many months of Couhig news and it getting as far as Dai's signature being all thats left?

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by Mid Sussex Royal » 17 Jan 2025 10:31

Stranded Its been a very, very quiet week.

Someone on x yesterday posted a screenshot of a search that was completed against RFC Bearwood. It looked like it might have been Couhig’s lawyers. It prompted the usual speculation, but as per usual no one really knows what’s happening.

I may be wrong but having worked in a bank once this looks like a protection search to prevent others registering a charge; you would usually do this prior to advancing funds to someone to prevent another lender jumping in.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by blythspartan » 17 Jan 2025 10:41

Mid Sussex Royal
Stranded Its been a very, very quiet week.

Someone on x yesterday posted a screenshot of a search that was completed against RFC Bearwood. It looked like it might have been Couhig’s lawyers. It prompted the usual speculation, but as per usual no one really knows what’s happening.

I may be wrong but having worked in a bank once this looks like a protection search to prevent others registering a charge; you would usually do this prior to advancing funds to someone to prevent another lender jumping in.

There could be something in it then.

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Re: CONFRIMED: Latest rumours Confrimed as Unconfrimed

by SouthDownsRoyal » 17 Jan 2025 10:44

Snowflake Royal
Snowflake Royal It's been very very far from a quiet 18 months ffs.

We've had points deductions, two staff barred from football, protests, marches,tennis balls, abandonments, manager change, two law suits, half a doze prospective new owners and about 7 player sales.

Quiet in terms of genuine takeover news.

How many months of Couhig news and it getting as far as Dai's signature being all thats left?

It’s all been a lot of bluster, when is the latest takeover happening?

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